Friday, October 31, 2014

started :)

Started the layout again

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Basement getting close to complete

My railroad survived it :) NOW I can get in and around it to continue landscaping. it was horrible trying to work in the way it was earlier.

Can't wait!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Roundhouse Blues

Struggling to get my Roundhouse aligned to my turntable. Oh man. this is one of the most difficult ones yet!

New Locomotives and Cars on the way!

I ordered some new European Locomotives and cars from:

Ofcourse they are all KATO. Do check out this online store if you can. They have some great stuff and good prices too.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Working out track

Well, nothing new to report except that I am still working out all kinks in the track. as we all know, N-Scale is very unforgiving in bad track.

Lot of pressure from family to work on scenery but that does not affect me at all. Not going to make the mistake of doing scenery before I am SURE that the trackwork is 100%

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Installed the turntable during the course of this week and here are some images. As usual, click on the images to make them bigger.
As you can see from the top picture, there is significant clearance between the lip of the turntable and the pink insulation. that is the ONLY way I could get the track to line up since the track on the rotating bridge is exactly in like with the lip of the bowl so, if I was to push the bowl down all the way to the lip then there is no way I can get any track with any trackbed (even peco or atlas) to align with the bridge... not sure if this is correct. Going to keep testing.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Inside Yard

Worked out some more kinks in the inside yard and finished modifying 7 locomotives from Analog to DCC :).

Then came some troubleshooting with some other locomotives. This weekend I plan to work a litttttle on the all daunting turntable

Sunday, January 20, 2008


After a very very busy week (of which I was never home until very late at night), I finally got to work on my layout and my locomotives. Made some good progress by adding the leading grade styrofoam thing from woodland scenics as suggested by Zandoz and everything worked out like a charm.

I had to re-do my viaduct and KATO risers because I found that by the time I reached the bridge section, I was only at 3.5. the next one was 5. End result, I had to add TWO more sections to the viaduct track at both ends to accomodate for the other two missing piers.

Some of my locomotives giving me trouble. Dont know what it is yet. Working through them. Solved the problem with one of them, working through the rest.

Until next time :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Its been a very busy week and the coming week promises to be the same UGH. But I did manage to get a few things done. I got all the track for the centre yard as well as the turntable and I also got the remaining turnouts and piers for the rest of the track.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

GT Drama continues

Yesterday I thought I would put the GT on.. just for fun.. tried it on its short address (happens to be 16 in my fleet) and it worked..just like nothing ever happened....

Oh well

Gradual Pier set in

So yesterday I ripped out the piers from one track and started putting them in as per Zandoz's suggestion for the incline and it seems to solve the problem without any shimming required. I have only two sets so I did the other track too. Just have to wait for the third set to come in. Thanks Zandoz. Much appreciated!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Pier Suggestion

Here is a suggestion made by Zandoz to address the elevation issue. Going to try it today.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

All Day!

I woke up at 7:30 this morning and was working on my layout pretty much all day doing things like fixing the grades a little, wiring, built a shelf to hold the power brick, attached an arm to hold my laptop in place... basically, I thoroughly enjoyed doing all the things.

Slowly but surely i work through the track issues. as I run more and more locomotives, I realize how different they are. Requires a lot of fine tuning. Its painstaking but worth it. Its slow because I have to make sure that one fix for a locomotive does not break something else for another.

Had to go to Home Depot to pick up some wood for the shelf below the table...Tired but it was a good day :)

Height of Pier # 2

Pier 2

Pier # 4 raised

Have a look


This is the panel where all my feeder tracks converge to. I cut off the KATO ends from the feeders and connected the fork connectors

Picture of my wiring

This is my wiring below the table. The red and white wires are turnout wires waiting to be plugged in. 22 in all so far, I think 6 more to go

Friday, January 4, 2008


Thank you everyone that helped on getting this issue resolved. Here is the link to the forum where everyone has provided excellent and valuable information:

Here are some pictures I took based on suggestions provided by all. Picture 1 shows the problem (better image than last time). Picture 2 shows what I did to solve it by raising #4 up a bit.. actually, its quite a bit raised as you will on the left of the picture. Picture 3 shows what the offending track looks like after I raised #4 with my hand. Please feel free to comment here too if you like.

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


My Amtrak P-54 locomotive will suddenly STOP on a piece of track. This happened on a viaduct track slope (in the middle of the incline, not beginning or end) AND also on a flat track. then when I push it past that piece of track, it lights up and zips off again.
Baffles me because none of my other locomotives (P-54's included) do that. I thought it may have been the distance between the trucks, dirty track (impossible because its new and shiny), angle etc...(which it cant be because it happens on the straight and level track too)...

One more thing to add to my list of items to do. This is getting fun. Seems to be challenging problems and keeps the brain thinking. I think this is what I am beginning to like about the hobby. Never a dull moment and nothing is unsolvable (most of the time anyway hehehe)

Amtrak Superliner issues!

Last night I did my first locomotive run and thankfully the wiring was all okay. However, my Amtrak Superliner cars start derailing when they are coming OFF the viaduct. After careful analysis, I found that the bottom of the Amtrak passenger cars was touching the tip of the rail at the joint portion and caused a derailment (or everything is stuck if its lower speeds).

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I am working on the wiring right now and I use a nice junction box where all my feeder track comes into. Best invention I have seen for KATO type tracks. I also cut the plugs off the wire and crimped on a fork connector to use with the junction box. Will post a picture this evening

Weekend progress

I had a bit of an issue this weekend with posting so here I am again.

Made a lot of progress. I layed down all the track that I had and now I am missing a few turnouts to complete the whole thing. Basically my centre yard cannot be done till I get the additional switches. Here are some images of my progress.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tonights progress

Here is some progress I have made. Hats off to you Zandoz, you have planned this track very very well.

thanks again

Pink FOAM!!

So after everyones comments on the bad bad beaded white sheet thing... I went to Home Depot and bought a whole set of... you guessed it... pink insulation foam.. hope this is the right one

Saturday, December 29, 2007

My master command centre

For now, the top of my bench is my master work area with my XTrk Layout on the screen to help me build this "masterpiece"

Some of my locomotives

Here is a picture of my drawer of locomotives. It is missing....6 (still need to program those). I will be taking individual pictures of all my locomotives using my macro lens. Those will show up as a slide show on the right

All my KATO track beneath the bench

All sorted waiting to be put together.

Completed Bench

YAY! the benchwork is complete.

Pictures of my basement mess

So these are some pictures on the final construction phase in my basement. Construction phase of the benchwork...

Shopping Day

Well, today was shopping day again to get the track for the latest layout. Here is the picture of the latest layout :) Thanks Zandoz.
Click on the image for a full screen version.
I must say this is very very impressive. Even the people at the hobby store who were familiar with this railroad said that it is a fantastic variation of the Richfield and Fond-du-Lac.
KUDOS my friend Zandoz !

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Latest Layout Plan

Now with a triple main and a turnout. THANKS Zandoz!!

Last day of my vacation up North

Well, this is the last day of my vacation up north. It was supposed to be a ski/snowboarding week but I hurt my back just the day before I had to leave so instead of cancelling I decided to come and relax here than at home. Spent a lot of time reading and researching.

Tomorrow I complete my benchwork construction... Can hardly wait!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Still Working

After Zandoz totally surprised me with the layout yesterday, we are working on incorporating major changes to it.

Stay tuned as I post the latest version I have.

This is getting VERY exciting!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Expanded (Plus) layout for the Richfield

This layout was provided by Zandoz from the forum. He very kindly improved the original KATO layout and made it MUCH MUCH better. Here it is: Click on the image below to show the full size layout:
His comments were:

The first thing I'd do with your extra space is expand all the curves up one Unitrack radius. As is, the majority of the curves are 11"r on the inside track and 12-3/8"r on the outside of the curves...that 11"r will really cut into what you can run, especially in the viaduct sections. Also, where the curved viaduct sections connect to the bridge, you want those curves a broad as possible. You can, go with the 12-3/8"r on the inside and the 13-3/4" on the outside for most of the curves without seriously messing with the plan allignment.
Since you have the added length, I'd expand the squarish section of the plan (the left loop) in both directions, and move that double crossover down to the front stretch, with at least a 7-5/16" straight on either side of it. As drawn, the plan has some potentially problematic double S curve situations with the double crossover immediatly coming out of a curve. This also give a bit more room for longer yard tracks in the interior of the loop.

WOW! Thank you very much Zandoz!

List of all the track I had to buy from KATO

Bill of Materials


Stock #




248mm (9 3/4") Straight Track



124mm (4 7/8") Straight Track



64mm (2 1/2") Straight Track



62mm (2 7/16") Straight Track



Bumper (Use any of three styles)



282mm (11") Radius 45 Curve Track



315mm (12 3/8") Radius 45 Curve Track



481mm (19") Radius 15 Curve Track



#6 Left Turnout



#6 Right Turnout



310mm (12 3/16") Double Crossover Turnout



248mm (9 3/4") Single Track Straight Viaduct



186mm (7 5/16") Single Track Straight Viaduct



124mm (4 7/8") Single Track Straight Viaduct



282mm (11") Radius 45 Single Track Viaduct
Curve Track



315mm (12 3/8") Radius 45 Single Track Viaduct
Curve Track



348mm (13 3/4") Radius 45 Single Track Viaduct
Curve Track

2 sets


15mm - 50mm (1/2" - 2") Single Track Incline
Pier Set

2 sets


50mm (2") Single Track Pier Set



Terminal UniJoiners



Terminal Adapter Cord
• Used to connect Terminal UniJoiners to power


Optional Items


Stock #




Turnout Control Switch



Turnout Extension Cord (Used to extend cord
from turnout)



DC Converter (If 24-840 is used)

In addition to the above items I also bought a double track truss bridge. The quantities above show number of track pieces required but because its KATO, its sold in packs of 4 or 2 most of the time so I have a lot of extras. I also have a LOAD of Extension cords and Terminal Adapter Cords. Enough to open a shop!

My current shopping list for some items I am missing

From Home Depot

· 2x4 for bench legs
· Putty knife
· Pre-mixed plaster
· Earth coloured LATEX paint
· Insulation foam sheets
· Razor hand saw.
· Drywall saw
· Some sort of portable vacuum
· Tool Cabinet
· Scroll Station : Dremel : Model: 1800-01 : Store SKU #: 401576

From MR shop

· Unitrack turnouts use a bi-polar solenoid drive for reliable operation. To switch the turnout digitally, be sure to choose a DCC turnout decoder that supports the bi-polar drive. Digitrax recommends their DS52 or DS51K1 stationary decoder for operation of Kato Unitrack turnouts.
· NCE P515 power supply (15VAC - 5AMP) (check if 10A available)
· Air brush
· Liquid Paint
· Powder paint
· Rock mould
· Plaster
· Heat Tool from woodland scenics

Full size image of my Richfield and Fond du Lac Railroad track

Click on the image above to see a bigger image!

How it all started

My first 4x4 layout

I started model railroading by creating a basic 4x4 layout using PECO flex track. This was more of an excersise to make sure I liked the hobby and would continue in it.

Bought a lot of equipment in terms of tools and started off with two locomotives. I found the nailing down of the track and trackbed a lot of fun actually (I was pretty sure I would not enjoy that part) but it turned out really well.