Thursday, January 3, 2008


My Amtrak P-54 locomotive will suddenly STOP on a piece of track. This happened on a viaduct track slope (in the middle of the incline, not beginning or end) AND also on a flat track. then when I push it past that piece of track, it lights up and zips off again.
Baffles me because none of my other locomotives (P-54's included) do that. I thought it may have been the distance between the trucks, dirty track (impossible because its new and shiny), angle etc...(which it cant be because it happens on the straight and level track too)...

One more thing to add to my list of items to do. This is getting fun. Seems to be challenging problems and keeps the brain thinking. I think this is what I am beginning to like about the hobby. Never a dull moment and nothing is unsolvable (most of the time anyway hehehe)

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